Headshot of a woman smiling with medium length blonde hair and a read shirt. Headshot is in a circle with yellow stars on bottom left


Shannon Kelly.


Coach and Coach Trainer. Workshop Leader. Corporate Facilitator. Solopreneur. Yogini. Sadhaka. Therapist. Social Worker. Leadership Trainer. Belonger. Non-Profit Board Member. Human Condition Expert. Connected Introvert. Higher Self Whisperer. Non-Dualist. Status Quo Disrupter. Giddy Laugher. Ashram Dweller. Truth Teller. Playful Guide. Reformed Self Loather. Meditator. Self-Compassion Doula. Midlife Midwife. Deep Soul Diver. Feminist. Activist. Anti-Racist. Listener. Somatic Worker.Enneagram Understander. Nature Worshiper. Animal Adorer. Conscious Uncoupler. Depression Survivor. Epileptic. Trauma Experiencer. Trauma Informed Practitioner. Clinical Supervisor. Rabble-Rouser. Peloton Fanatic. Ecstatic Dancer. Sunflower. Non Mom. Movement Maven. Silence Appreciator. Conscious Creator. Burgeoning Bodylover. Fierce Magician. Bookworm. Screentime Abuser. Crossword Puzzler. Intentional Community Proponent. Coffee Drinker. Alcohol Abstainer. Science Believer. Left Winger. Generation Xer. Middle-aged White Woman. Life-long Learner. Army Brat. Little Sister. Proud Auntie. Slow Marathon Completer. Rage Haver. Forgiveness Asker. Defense Dropper. Late Bloomer. Heart Opener. Reject. Dark Nighter. Bright Sunlighter. Optimistic Pessimist. Ex-Wife. Experiential Learning Designer. Elemental Heart-Body-Mind Aligner. She/her.



I play these roles and many others.

Yellow stars

I know you inhabit many roles as well, some consciously chosen, some foisted on you by society, parents, religion, circumstance, unconscious choices, and survival needs.

If you are reading this, you are ready to embrace some roles and shed others; you also recognize that there is something deep within you that transcends all roles. Living a life in accordance with that takes curiosity, courage, discipline, surrender, and allies.

Let’s partner.    

You’re worth it, and you’re ready. 

Bottom of a sunflower with words "contains magic" below

I offer 1:1 coaching, retreats, customized
and proven workshops for groups and organizations, and virtual courses.